PSHE stands for personal, social, health and economic education. As a school, we are members of the PSHE Association. We follow their KS3,4 & 5 programmes of study and for certain aspects of the curriculum use their excellent resources.
Within our sessions, we also cover 'The 5 Ways to Wellbeing', which are: 'Make Connections', 'Be Active', 'Keep Learning', 'Give to Others', and 'Take Notice'.
We regularly have an experienced youth worker coming in to run sessions for our young people about the RSE (relationships and sex education) aspect of PSHE. The sessions are guided by the learners themselves who come up with the topics they would like to discuss.
We have had several visits from Cheshire Police who talked about police careers, drug & alcohol awareness, anti-social behaviour and personal safety. The learners really enjoy these sessions and get a lot out of them.
We have also taken part in activities connected with Anti-bulling Week, Fair Trade Fortnight, UK Parliament Week, Slavery and Human Rights and have looked at problems associated with Plastics, Pollution and Climate Change.