Labour Market Information for students, carers and staff
Good Labour Market Information helps our young people make informed decisions about their future. The benefits spread further to employers and the economy with a population with relevant training and aspirations.
LMI can help people our young people see into the future! Skills shortages and prosects within a sector help our young people broaden their aspirations and make realistic, informed decisions.
Helpful websites that contain LMI:
Cheshire and Warrington LMI
Start http://www.startincheshireandwarrington.com/
Students and parents can explore Cheshire and Warrington’s Start webpages to find out about local employers, careers and study routes.
National LMI
Icould https://icould.com/
A good website for young people and their family to explore. Take the Buzz Quiz, find out about a huge variety of jobs and watch inspirational career story videos.
First Careers https://www.firstcareers.co.uk/
This website is great for younger students to explore how their favourite subjects can lead to a range of careers and discover work experience opportunities with well-known employers.
Prospects https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles
A comprehensive lists of job profiles giving information about the role, qualifications, salary and the skills required. There are also tips for gaining work experience in each career.
Young people and their families can find out about different careers, apprenticeships, going to college as well as university.